TTT: Reasons Why I Love Fantasy

Hey everyone! For this weeks Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, I decided to lost the reasons as to why I love fantasy books! From Harry Potter, to Throne of Glass, some of of my all times favorite books are fantasy. It’s such an unique genre and I enjoy reading it so much

Reason 1: It’s the perfect escapism. Sometimes when my personal life gets to crazy and I just need a break, I often escape in the form of an amazing fantasy book I’ve been meaning to read. It takes me away from real life for a bot, sweeping me off to a magical and fantastical world.

Reason 2: The complex and spellbinding world building! Sometimes reading some nonfiction or contemporary just isn’t enough for me, and that’s when I know I’m craving an epic fantasy! The fantastical worlds compare to no other!

Reason 3: Magic! Most fantasy books, if not all, contain magic! The magic system and its rules vary from book to book, but that’s the best part! You never know the limitations until you read the story and learn about the world and its rules. Some of the best magic systems are in any Brandon Sanderson books, The Grisha trilogy and Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Shuab.

Reason 4: Kickass main characters! The majority of fantasy books, especially YA, feature awesome and badass female main characters. They’re the type of girls to always have a witty or snarky response, and I love it! I could read an infinite amount of books with these types of main characters!

Reason 5: Tropes! I’m such a sucker for the chosen one trope, lost royal/princess trope, adventure/quest trope, and many more! Most of these are really only in fantasy, but they are so much fun to read. Some of my favorites books with the long lost royal trope include Throne of Glass and CInder by Marissa Meyer.

Those are the main reasons why I love fantasy! If you have a TTT post, link it down below! I’d love to check it out πŸ™‚


  1. I couldn’t agree more with all of these being THE reasons I love fantasy so much! It’s so nice to have a genre that covers so much ground, and every single book is so different from the last. I’ve actually never thought much on those tropes being exclusively “fantasy” though, huh…that makes sense now that I think about it.

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  2. YES TO ALL OF THESE!!!!! Fantasy is my favourite genre too, and for good reason! I should say reasons because there are many reasons! πŸ˜‚
    I love the range that Fantasy has as a genre. There are so many fantasy books that are wildly different from each other, and they’re all amazing!!!!! ❀
    Happy Reading!! ❀

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    1. 100% I just love all the different type of fantasy books there are! And I know there is a push for more diverse characters in sci-fi and fantasy, and that makes me so happy! Thanks for reading πŸ™‚

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